God treats man and woman alike,
Why then, do you think, that woman in the office doesn’t deserve a hike?
What convinced you to assert your “so-called” superiority,
When you have learnt in school, about equality.
You load her with responsibility for everything possible, more than she can handle,
Why then, do you think, you can’t pass on to her, your mantle?
Who installed the “son”, to be the sole bearer,
Of a legacy you have inherited, from your ancestor.
What then, makes you feel of yourself, to be proud,
Will this boisterous attitude you hold, follow you post your shroud?
Feminism din’t emerge one fine day, just like that,
Your actions compelled her, to take a stand.
Feminists are often labelled as, attention-seekers, looked down with contempt,
Ain’t that a desperate strategy, to cover your insecurity, a dubious attempt?
Women are to be treated equally, not oppressed,
Remember that they are the source from whom, your offsprings head.
Much has been written; much more has been said,
Why then, can’t you erase your mind of, the chauvinism that has been fed?
Whenever you stumble, why do you fumble,
Hold your head high lady; it ain’t necessary always and everywhere, to be humble.
Put forth your thoughts, they do matter,
It’s not mandatory, to lend your ears only to his banter.
It’s not apt to cliché every story, with a happily ever after,
But try to do your bit, to empower your daughter.
Raise your son, with values and to be chivalrous,
Lay the foundation, so that we may have citizens who are not frivolous.
Chauvinism is rampant, but there is a change from elegy,
I vouch for this change, ‘coz I hold this testimony.
Observing behavioural patterns, I found these dimensions, thus started my quest,
Think which side you favour as per your conscience, my case I rest.
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