CORRUPTION – The minute we hear this word, we are reminded of the politicians flooding our television screens, red-tapism in government offices and entire schema we can associate with it. This also encourages nepotism, where half-hearted or uninterested wards are pushed into the field by their preceedors, the working of which they have limited or no knowledge, which is tampered with as per vested interests and idiotic decisions which invariably has adverse effects on the common man. Corruption has become so common in our lives that it can be compared to mangoes being available in winter.
So how did this come into being? Who has spear-headed this practice? No one knows!
This slow poison destroys the lives of many; a lot of deserving candidates’ opportunities, many financially weak families who cannot afford to satisfy the whims and fancies of corrupt bureaucrats, the list is endless.
Why does it still exist?
Its nature of encompassing and dominating lives, offering temptatious life, accumulation of wealth and power’s lure forces the bureaucrats to close the windows of their eyes to the damage they can do to others. The vices of dishonesty, unscrupulousness, the deliberate quietening of one’s conscience, creep in. Often, selfishness conquers selflessness, the virtue they had pledged during their swearing-in ceremony.
Why are we not doing anything against corruption?
The sight of an honest politician or bureaucrat may be compared to that of sighting of a dinosaur in the 21st century! Mostly, their efforts go unnoticed. Even if noticed, they are issued death threats and transfers from their offices by the exposed party.
What can we do?
Alone, we can do nothing but united, we can do ANYTHING. We, as future teachers, co-shoulder the responsibility of raising future citizens with ethics, values and integrity.
Visualise this situation: The students you have taught are bearing positions in their offices, of different departments based on their merit and not through back-door entry. Few families come in with their grievances and your students ensure them justice, without involving in any corrupted activities. Slowly, steadily, the credibility increases and so does peoples’ trust in the system. Seems nice, right?
Now think of what difference a 100 teachers can make if they are working towards the same goal – Elimination of Corruption.
Now that we know how to go about creating exemplary individuals, why don’t we take the first step than waiting for the other to start?
Step In, Take Charge, Do an Ethical teacher’s bit… Let’s raise… a Corruption- Free India!
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